Starting Preschool
Admissions Policy
Our preschool welcomes fathers and mothers, other relations and carers, including child minders. We welcome people and families from all cultural, ethnic, religious and social groups with or without disabilities.
We aim to make the preschool accessible to all children and families and will work in partnership with families to overcome barriers and put in place additional support for those who require help in order to fully participate in our group.
Children can be registered to start from the age of two years and, subject to a waiting list, can be admitted in the term following their second birthday as places become available.
We will keep a place vacant in order to accommodate emergency admissions, if this is financially viable. In certain circumstances admissions will be dealt with based on individual need.
Settling in preschool: policy and practice
During the first days a child who is tense or unhappy will not be able to play or learn properly, so it is important for parents and preschool staff to work together to help the child feel confident and secure in the group. This takes longer for some children than others and parents should not feel worried if their child takes a while to settle. We want children to feel safe and happy in the absence of their parents, to recognise other adults as a source of help and friendship and be able to share with their parents the new learning learning experiences they have enjoyed and joined in with during their day.