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Child Protection


All members of staff have a duty to follow the Local Safeguarding Children Board Protection Procedure.  Cleo Jerram is the designated Child Protection Lead within the setting and she is responsible for referring any concerns to the social services department and discussing issues with parents/carers.




If you have a complaint or concern about any aspect of the preschool please discuss this with Cleo Jerram, Mrs Jerram or Mrs Kent.  For a concern or complaint that has not been dealt with to your satisfaction or been left unresolved please check our notice board for details of how to proceed through the regulatory body of OFSTED.


General Information


The sharing of refreshments can play an important part in the social life of the pre-school as well as reinforcing children's understanding of the importance of healthy eating.  We will ensure that all snacks provided are varied and nutritious and include fresh or dried fruit and vegetables.  Children's personal and religious dietary requirements are respected.


Milk provided for children is whole and pasteurised.  We do ask parents/carers to provide a healthy snack such as dried fruit or savoury crackers  once or twice during the term if possible.


Noticeboards and Newsletters

These are the usual way in which we convey information and news to you. Please keep up to date with what is happening in pre-school by reading newsletters, checking boards and asking staff.


If you have any queries or suggestions or would like further information and advice, please contact staff at any time.



Telephone: 01672 541648

© 2024 by Aldbourne Preschool.   Established 1968. 

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